The ring of the truth.

Without donations, the CAMBA trail system would not exist.

Yes, we raise money through fundraising and membership, but generous, sizable donations provide our financial foundation and give CAMBA the security and sustainability necessary to provide trails that flourish, to provide community engagement around the trails, and to improve year after year.

With utmost gratitude for past patrons and all-out hope and appreciation for the contributors of our future, we present here our new giving program that truthfully asks for what is needed and creatively rewards those who support CAMBA.

A donation program with some real teeth.

Like the infamous “Big Ring” itself, we need some real, muscular funding power to maintain our current momentum and achieve our future goals.

Here is what we’re asking for to tackle our needs, bite-by-bite and tooth-by-tooth.


Sprucing up the trails: Bringing Makwa back to classic ridability; revitalizing .38 Special, Flow Mama, and the Dirty Dozen, creating a new Seeley Jump Line out of the old way down from OO and overall refreshing of Seeley Pass.

Fashioning and delivering inspiring Community Events: The Cheq100 endures, the Festival of the Trails is coming back as a Revival, volunteer Work Days that are more like daily trail celebrations and the Global Fat Bike Day participation.


In order to keep the momentum and community actions going, we need to raise $180,000.  Obviously we need your help and your investment to our product—the trails—and community—our events, races and clinics.
We can make it happen.  And we are eternally grateful for your help and the help of all who donate to CAMBA.

The breakdown

$76K Wisconsin Conservation Corp – Not only engaging the leaders of tomorrow on our trails, but revitalizing drainage and tread on Makwa and Seeley Pass with rock & root work to bring riding back to its classic state.

$45K Professional Trail Builder – Let’s bring .38 Special, Flow Mama, the Dirty Dozen, and sections of Makwa back to life. And give me that Seeley Jump Line.

$43K CAMBA Trail Crew & Volunteer Program Management – Taking what the trails give us and working it.

$16K Equipment Repair, Supplies, Fuel – Those bare necessities.


We are the stewards of a priceless attraction. It is a responsibility we do not take lightly. It is also a duty that would be impossible to fulfill without others.

We want to be prudent with spending your donations by keeping operating costs as low as possible.

Our programs include our trail development, membership, merchandise, races, & clinics. Program costs are 76% of our budget while operating costs make up 24% of our budgeted expenses. We feel good about our focus on the trails and community!

We always welcome donations to the unrestricted GENERAL FUND and we will use your donation where it is needed most.

Choose to focus on the ASHWABAY TRAILS.

Or you can donate to SUPPORT THE WINTER TRAILS.

Donate directly to the TRAILS.

Bring more COMMUNITY EVENTS to the area like our Festival of the Trails Revival.

For questions or more information, contact us at

CAMBA is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, Tax ID Number 39-1743206.  Your donation is fully tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

We greatly appreciate your financial support. Thank you!